Lizard Tales

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Monday, September 17, 2007

My News

So, Kimberly wants me to share the story about the time that I got hit by a car in the Student Center parking lot. Yes-my person, not my car was hit, Yes-it happened last week, Yes- I'm okay, a few bruises here and there, but I'm okay.

Don't worry, I'm gonna give you the details. First, you need to know a little background info to make the story even better (as if getting hit by a car isn't enough of a story). On Sept. 1, I started my new job as the Associate Dean of Students at NOBTS. You can read more about it here (go to page 5)

Yeah, the Associate Dean of Students (that's me.....still really weird to say), is walking from her car to work last Thursday morning when a new undergrad student in an old Chevy pick-up comes tearing around the corner (probably late for class). Now, I'm not hiding. I'm in the middle of the road and I was turning back....when I realize that this dude's going pretty fast. I think to myself, "Self, surely he sees me." I mean, I'm in a bright pink sweater and I was carrying a bright pink umbrella (cute skirt and heels, too!). The truck gets a little closer, but isn't slowing down. I began to think that maybe it was someone messing with me. You know, acting like he's gonna hit me, but stop right before he gets to me. Well, he wasn't acting. By this time I'm almost in the clear (right in front of the driver's side headlight) when I realize, 'he's not stopping'. Instinct kicked in, and I placed one hand on top of the hood and the other on the side of the headlight and kind of pushed off as the truck hit me.
I took a bumper to the left knee and my right side hit the concrete pretty hard, but no major damage. Just bruises here and there and no sleeping on my side for a little while.
So, I'm sprawled out on the ground, and the contents of my purse are strewn everywhere. The student gets out of his truck and he was FREAKING out. (As he should have been....I mean, really, what a great way to start your academic career....hit the Associate Dean....LOL)
I stand up, check to make sure all of my appendages were still attached, and say, "Did you not SEE me?" (Go back and read that sentence with Liz's 'you've got to be kidding me' voice.) He was like, "n-n-n-o-o ma'am, I was looking to my right for a parking space.....I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I said, "No, I'm not okay you just HIT me. How could you not see me?" He proceeds to pick my belongings up off the ground. He said, "What do we do?" All I could think was, 'I just got hit by a car!' and 'if this guy gets in trouble, he'll end up in my office anyway, just give him a somber warning' So, I dished out a little bit more of a warning, grabbed my purse and went to work.
Of course, I didn't get much work done because everyone wanted to stop by and check on me. At one point our Registrar walked in to talk to me about a student issue. I told him, "I'm sorry, we might have to talk about this tomorrow, I just got hit by a car." LOL.

Well, it's a story. At least I can laugh about it....could have been much worse!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

GT vs. ND

*****I wrote this last week, but didn't get the chance to post it....sorry for the delay!**********

Okay, so I know that you thought me updating my blog was about as likely as App. State beating Michigan. Haven't you just had a weekend full of suprises!
Most of you know that I travelled to South Bend for our annual "Tech away game" trip. Can we say FABULOUS weekend? And giving Notre Dame their worst home-opener loss EVER was just lagniappe (or, icing on the cake, to you non-cajun folk). Okay, so maybe it was the best part of a great weekend. But, I'm telling you, we had a great weekend even before the game started!

My Aunt Kim, who lives in South Bend, arranged for her neighbor to give us a golf cart tour of the campus on Friday afternoon. Her neighbor, Brian, really hooked us up! He works for Notre Dame's Mendoza School of Business. He gave us a golf cart tour of campus AND tickets for the ND Pep Rally. read that correctly. You have to get a ticket to go to their Friday evening pep rally (and they have them before every home game) And there was a line of at least 200 folks who couldn't get in....TO A PEP RALLY. I was WAY impressed with the tradition and sportsmanship at ND. Their fans were great (you know, they didn't yell 'tiger bait', or bark in your face like I've experienced at some lesser universities). And instead of reminding us that they've beat us something like 27 out of the 34 times we've played them, they shook our hands, thanked us from coming to South Bend, and said "Y'all played a great game." I used to get tired of hearing about Notre Dame and their "tradition", but now, I have to say that they are the real deal.
Here are some pics to enjoy!
Brian gave us a parking pass, so we tailgated right outside the stadium! We just HAD to pose with Buzz in front of Touchdown Jesus.